Saturday, November 10, 2007

I know I know

Ok, I know that I got a sucking writing and my posts of reviews are inconsistent, but this my first time blogging actually, I've created my first blog on blogger on "I don't know how many" years ago but I've totally forgotten it after I've posted my first post.

"Then why create it in the first place?" you will ask me, yes you will, I insist, I'm the Lord of my blog. Well blogging was like the new rising trend back at "that" year and this blogger haven't even belongs to Google, I just feel cool do it, are you happy now?

"Then why stop?", yes you will ask when I want you to do so. Internet wasn't the most comfortable experience in Malaysia back at those years, and having a tech-rejecting mother(yes, your right) doesn't help the situation. So not just blog that I stop at just creating an account, even e-mails and friendster(although friendster comes much later).

So it went on for "I don't know how many" years until Google bought Blogger, which coincidently I have a Gmail account, leading me to see the word "Blogger" again and remembers that I have an account here, I log in and glad that it actually still working, so I deleted the old blog and made this new one with my proud name."?" aha! I see another question mark from you, ok ok I was too shy back then to put my own name in the blog, so this time, be happy about it, or else.....

OK, the above are just ramblings, just for laughs(but my personal blogging history is true though, although it isn't much of a history). By the way, Episode 6 of Gundam 00 is coming up(oh it comes out already) and I will have that review posted ASAP, really, I'm no longer like "I don't know how many" years ago.

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