Thursday, November 08, 2007

Gundam 00: Episode 5

This episode kicks start with a new report stating the Taribia has returned to the Union of United States, after all the commotion they've caused in episode 4, which wraps up the Taribia scenario, and I think we've seen the last of this fictional country.

Meanwhile, Queen Marina is embarking on a quest to negotiate with a faction(maybe one of Union, Human Reform League or AEU) to transfer solar power to Azadistan, this won't be easy because Azadistan do not participate in the contruction of the solar power elevator(thinking that they can manage themselves with oil).

And Halleluyah!(Oops, I really started to get influenced), we got Saji and Louise on a feel trip at the lower orbit of the solar power elevator, while we skip the boring part(for us, it was fun vacation after all for Saji and Louise), the scene switch to Sergei boarding the elevator with Soma the super soldier, we go Sergei asking Soma the reason she volunteered to be in the super soldier program, Soma states that she is a baby created for the sole purpose, and Sergei isn't happy with the whole idea of nanomachines in human body. On the same ride Allelujah is going for his next mission.

Sergei and Soma quickly board their Tieren mobile suits and head out to space for a test ride, in the halfway, Soma senses Allelujah and goes berserk , Allelujah senses Soma and the split personality named "Halleluyah" comes out and threatens to kill Soma, which makes Soma starts shooting at the elevator, which causes a small block of the lower orbit station to break up, with the people inside!

The block is falling down to earth and Sergei with his ms tries to push it back but his effort was about to goes in vain. But halleluyah! here comes Allelujah with his Gundam Kyrios pushing the block along side with Sergei. While the MS and pushing, Gundam Dynames snipes from Earth to destroy the part where there is no people, making it lighter and possible for Gundam Kyrios to push it away from Earth. Saving the day, with the real rescue team coming afterwards.

It seems that things are starting to heat up with the character development, after all the politics in the past episode. I do not have a fluent writing so if you want to know exactly what happened the exciting way go watch the show: Mobile Suit Gundam 00.

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