Saturday, November 17, 2007

Announcement of Leave

Well you can really tell don't you? Just finished my last paper a couple of days ago and yeah, holiday is coming, well it's not like I don't enjoy study week as holiday but getting to have fun without the guilt of not studying is like HELL YEAH! I actually just notice the difference:

1) Sleep better
2) Wake up better(well basically it's just you can sleep when you want to and can wake up feeling good when you want to)
3) Eat better, my appetite seems to grow after the exams.
4) work better, well get to focus on a lot of things without thinking of study.
5) Packing sucks (do I actually have to explain?)

Well come to the point, since I'll be leaving U soon I'll be forced to go "offline" possibly in the period of school holiday. So my fans out there would not be able to see my fascinate Gundam 00 reviews. Juts be patient ya, it would be less than a month.

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